"Our job is to give people not what they want, but
what we decide they ought to have." - Richard Salant, former President of CBS News "We are going to impose our agenda on the coverage by dealing with issues and subjects that we choose to deal with". - Richard M. Cohen, former Senior Producer of CBS political news |
Note: When you click on an .mp3 stream (below) your browser may take you to a Shoutcast web page. If, on the Shoutcast page you click on "Listen", the stream should play. It is then desirable to place good streams in your player's "favorites" so that you can go directly to them in the future.
Links Updated 12/25/12
America News Network - mp3 24/hrs.
American Freedom Radio - mp3 24/hrs.
Christian Media Network - mp3 24/hrs.
First Amendment Radio - mp3 24/hrs.
Genesis Com. Network - GCN2 GCN3 24/hrs.
Logos Radio Network - mp3 24/hrs.
Republic Broadcasting Net. - mp3 24/hrs.
Revere Radio Network - mp3 24/hrs.
Rule of Law Radio - mp3 evenings
The Micro Effect - mp3 24/hrs.
Truth Radio Network - mp3 24/hrs.
With an installed application, many of the new "smartphones" will play the above streams nicely. For your Android cell phone an excellent streaming audio application is "xiialive". It is available on the Android Market. Another wonderful and free app is "Christian Patriot". It places every imaginable founding document right at your fingertips, even the complete Federalist Papers!